oh my bloody god, yesterday i saw my gods {a.k.a. Oasis} (haha that does sound funny, doesn't it?) play life at the sports arena, and i really cannot describe the amazing feeling this gave me. pure happines :D. 'twas all perfect, but the most epic moments were, i believe, don't look back in anger, champagne supernova and i am the walrus (even though i got some crappy vids, i'll try to upload them later). in dlbia noel didn't sing the chorus and just looked & listened to us sing it and smiled in approval; almost too good to be real!
in a bit
general dread
hahaha just kiddin :)
green staple :] (yes, obviously the one who is a huge oasis fan and if you stretch it, it becomes a green wire)
PD talkin' 'bout general dread, noel and ocesa reported that even though, well, whatever, i'll just quote the genius: "Well up for this tonight. 22,000! SOLD OUT!! It only holds 16,000!! AY, CARAMBA!!" haha gotta love him

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