De regreso...!

Supongo que otra vez no he cumplido mi promesa de escribir todo los días y mantener este blog al día de lo que pasa con mi vida... Pero bueno, lo siento. Es como si el ITESM absorbiera todas mis ideas y mis ganas de escribir en algo más que no sea por obligación si no por gusto. Lo cual es bastante frustrante porque quiero suponer que si tengo una especie de dote artístico (quizá no muy desarrollado) para escribir y lo voy perdiendo por una sarta de tareas. Quizá mejor publicaré tareas que he hecho, algunas son interesantes. Pero bueno, hoy finalmente, por azares del destino, he vuelto. SI, hoy, 9 de Marzo del 2009; empezé este post en febrero. Han sucedido varias cosas. He conocido a una de las personas a la que probablemente, más he amado, los mejores días de mi vida, hasta ahora, han transcurrido y mi adolescencia está tomando forma. Aún hay tantas cosas que me afligen... Pero he de aceptar que soy de esas personas a las que TODO les aflige. no tener crédito, tener clase de matemáticas, etc. Y bueno creo que este post también está tomando forma...

 Me he dado cuenta de que hay muchísimas cosas que me hacen sentir pésimo; cosas sin importancia, me atrevería a afirmar. Y sin embargo, me he enterado de algo y hasta el momento, no he reaccionado. No sé si esté en un estado de anestecia o simplemente no es algo que me concierne, pero creo que ésta última afirmación no puede ser real, y hasta cierto punto, llega a ser escalofriante pensar así. Me dejaré de rodeos. Me he enterado que alguien de mi familia que digamos, en cuanto a sangre, es muy cercano a mí; pero tengo cierto problema con toda mi familia: de una manera u otra estoy muy distanciada de ellos. Tal vez es porque vivo en otro continente o algo así. Pero a pesar de ello, siento que el lazo que me une con esa persona debería ser más grande y sin embargo, quizá no lo es y la simple idea me estremese. Pero bueno, se han esfumado mis ideas por hoy.

Happy Days!



 Today, I woke up, and I was feeling really weird. I had breakfast and some fights with my mom. I finished and my mom was still yelling at me, but somehow, I didn't feel a thing. I wasn't even angry or something; suddenly all the sounds were fading away, and there I was... In my little world; where everything is blue and purple and there's not sun but only rainy days; a place where there's not pain, but only bunches of spare time to think about nothing or something or a lot of things. 
 I woke up and realized I was in the real world again (real world? this is not my reality)... And then, that weird feeling was there again. It was a combination of feeling sleepy and numb and somehow happy, feeling "butterflies flying in my stomach". I walked out of my room and went to the top of my house. I sat down and watched the cars passing by, I looked at my garden while I felt the warm sun over my shoulders. I closed my eyes and felt the gentle breeze messing my hair up. I began to sing, I couldn't help it... "I've been dancing on the tops of buildings. At the top of my lungs I'm singing you a song". I just felt like singing and jumping around. 
 But suddenly another bunch of feelings invaded avery single part of my body. It was a combination of sadness and shame; but five minutes later, I was feeling numb again... Comfortably Numb. I went downstairs and went to see my Mapex... I took my iPod and turned it on and the volume to the top... I began to hit the drums and the cymbals, feeling so powerful with my drumsticks. I couldn't say if I was playing or not, but I didn't care. I just wanted to be in my world, that world that half an hour disappeared in my room. I closed my eyes and everything around me was fading away. I played for an hour, feeling so free... After that, I opened my eyes and left my pair of "weapons" on a drum, above some scores of a song of Pink Floyd. 
 I looked around, trying to reach my dad. I went to his room. I wanted to talk with him... But he wasn't there for me, at least his mind was miles away from here. He hugged me and told me that today was the sixteenth anniversary since my grandmother died. A shiver crossed my body. I didn't met her, she died, in China, just days after I was born. I don't know why, I had always felt a special connection with her, and maybe, just maybe, she was with me today, as always, but today it was different. I don't know what I'm writing about, maybe I just want to feel special saying that I have a connection with her. But this feeling... 

Blue Staple :]

Chickentown / bloc party hates killers

While reading some news in internet, I sorta stumbled up with this: Bloc Party's Kele Okereke slams The Killers. Well... I'm no big fan of either band (I actually liked, even loved the killers some time ago, but god, their new album is complete rubbish, have you heard it?) but I'd rather listen to Bloc Party than that stupid 'Human' song. Thank you Kele for saying what everybody is kind enough to keep to themselves: THEY SUCK. Both bands played in the same radio station, same day. One after the other, I understand. "I didn't watch The Killers," he told the Daily Mirror. "In fact, I made sure I left before they came onstage." God bless him, hehe.

I just wanted to share my absolute favorite poem with everyone in the world. This is the great John Cooper Clarke's Chickentown. Bloody enjoy.
the bloody cops are bloody keen
to bloody keep it bloody clean
the bloody chief's a bloody swine
who bloody draws a bloody line
at bloody fun and bloody games
the bloody kids he bloody blames
are nowehere to be bloody found
anywhere in chicken townt
he bloody scene is bloody sad
the bloody news is bloody bad
the bloody weed is bloody turf
the bloody speed is bloody surf
the bloody folks are bloody daft
don't make me bloody laugh
it bloody hurts to look around
everywhere in chicken town
the bloody train is bloody late
you bloody wait you bloody wait
you're bloody lost and bloody found
stuck in fucking chicken town
the bloody view is bloody vile
for bloody miles and bloody miles
the bloody babies bloody cry
the bloody flowers bloody die
the bloody food is bloody muck
the bloody drains are bloody fucked
the colour scheme is bloody brown
everywhere in chicken town
the bloody pubs are bloody dull
the bloody clubs are bloody full
of bloody girls and bloody guys
with bloody murder in their eyes
a bloody bloke is bloody stabbed
waiting for a bloody cab
you bloody stay at bloody home
the bloody neighbors bloody moan
keep the bloody racket down
this is bloody chicken town
the bloody pies are bloody old
the bloody chips are bloody cold
the bloody beer is bloody flat
the bloody flats have bloody rats
the bloody clocks are bloody wrong
the bloody days are bloody long
it bloody gets you bloody down
evidently chicken townthe bloody train is bloody late
you bloody wait you bloody wait
you're bloody lost and bloody foundstuck in fucking chicken town

- green staple :]

Indie-O Fest!!!!

Ok, probablemente la grapa naranja me va a matar pq creo q este no es su tipo d música pero, que mas da!!! en marzo es el Indie - O Fest!! AHHH!! La emoción, la anticipación!!! según los idiotas de msn news (siempre tienen noticias imbéciles, pero esto nooo) los conciertos van a ser en el polyforum siqueiros el jueves 5 de marzo, ahí van a estar clinic y the hello sequence y en el lunario al día siguiente donde van a tocar no age y los campesinos. por lo visto también van a estar orgullos nacionales como Los Dynamite y Hello Seahorse!que emoción!!!

La grapa verde :]


 Lately, I've been captivated by Twilight. Although I thought I would hate this book (I don't know why, I just hate to love what all the other stupid girls are loving), I'm actually liking it. I mean you just picture down what Bella's saying about how Edward is and what he does and you just can't stop sighing and when they get closer and closer until they get their first kiss you imagine yourself being with Edward, imagining him as handsome as you want. With all the features you want for him. Yes, I'm really corny and I love that stuff, but I hate it when I wake up and realize it's just a book made for teenagers to get a lot of money.  

 What I really like about reading is that the story can be however you want it because when you see a movie, you don't imagine, you just watch what someone else imagined. The movie isn't really as impressive as the book. That guy, I don't know what Pattinson isn't as charming and handsome and breathtaking as he was supposed to be. I agree with some people that that role should have been played by Gaspard Ulliel, a French model and actor. 

 But, however, I think they did a great job with the movie (although I don't like it, but now that I'm reading the book, I think they had really good ideas). They made their own story starting from the original one. 

 I guess I'm already out of ideas, so I'll keep reading my book. 

Blue Staple :]

First Try...

Have you ever had that feeling that someone's staring at you all the time until finally you freak out and remember that knife you just placed some minutes ago in the kitchen?

 Well, me neither. 

 By the way, I'm Blue Staple. Yeah, I know, I usually write in Spanish, but I guess it's time to get to the next stage. Which next stage? I don't know, I just wanna practice my English a little bit. I hope you don't mind if there's any mistake; it's just that I get nervous when I'm writing in English. 

  Hum... Well I don't know what to say (again). My hands are still shaking because I finally defeated a big bad guy of Resident Evil. I've been trying to kill him during the last 3 days. But when I started the next mission, I was killed during the first 5 minutes ¬¬

 I guess I'll need to practice with the first missions, but I think that'll be just impossible. My classes are beginning next Monday :(. I've already prepared my notebooks, pens, pencils, etc.

 But well, I guess that's it. I'll keep writing in Spanish of course (so keep in touch, cheers!). So don't worry if these posts aren't as big as the ones in Spanish, 'cause they'll be back.

Blue Staple :]